
June 11 2011 - Click here for all the information you need for June 11th

Page history last edited by Kenny Varner 13 years, 7 months ago

1. Read Nieto

2. Read Simbao

3. Research Hector Pieterson and Soweto Student Uprising

4. Watch Ladson-Billings Webcast or Read Ladson-Billings Speech or Both

5. Setup and begin using chapbook

6. Language Game 1

7. Email Kenny with questions

8. Have a Fabulous Week




Nieto - Social Justice In Hard Times.pdf

Simbao R K 30th Anniversary of the Soweto uprisings (2).pdf

From Achievment Gap to Education Debt.pdf - This is the Ladson-Billings Speech (You may watch the speech or read the speech or both)


WEBCAST INSTRUCTIONS - For Ladson-Billings speech if you choose to view


 Ladson-Billings Keynote Address From AERA (Can not be viewed on campus)




Note:  The entire video is 2 hours but you ONLY should watch it from "I want to say I love you" through the start of "See You Next Year" -- This will make it about 45 minutes or so.


Think about:


 - What are the implications of Ladson-Bililngs' Debt Theory for Literacy

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